Monday, 6 January 2014

How to win a godaddy auction the cheap way

In my other blog I mentioned the fact that bidders on godaddy are complete retards. I am a seo and I must make informed decisions on bidding on expired domains but it is quite hard when you find a reasonable domain which is cheap with a few days left but then some absolute moron bids on it with 6 days left their pointless bid of $12 just bring attention to that domain and results in more bidders and a much higher price...... My advice to anyone bidding on godaddy is to wait for the last minute to make your bids and proxy bidding may save you time rechecking at the end of the auction... by placing your max amount of cash as the proxy bid however if it is a good domain people will push this to the limit and result in you having to pay full amount.. if only you were sensible enough to just wait till the end and not to bring attention to the fact that it is a good domain with bids if you just wait...... So next time you want to buy a domain on godaddy auctions dont be a complete pointless git and make a opening bid of $12 in the hope you will get the domain when it ends in a weeks time because you wont and you will just drive up the cost...................REMEMBER THIS. but oh wait most seo's really have no sense whatsoever and just like wasting clients money because they are freaks I guess.